This time of year I always start feeling that itch. You know the one, the “let’s start planting” itch. Even with some snow still on the ground I am already planning what to grow in this years garden.

There is so much we are planning to do this year on our homestead. Now that the major construction and renovations on the house are almost done we can now start the fun stuff. We still have work to do on the house but our gardens will be a big part of this year.
A forever beginner gardener
I think I will always consider myself a beginner gardener even though I have always had a garden regardless of where I am living. I have even had small patio gardens when living in apartments throughout my life. To me there is nothing more satisfying than planting a seed and watching it grow. I think the difference now is that I am finding myself being a lot more intentional with my gardens.
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Last years garden
Last year there wasn’t much time to plan a garden with moving into the new house. We did ok though. We were able to get 2 really nice looking galvanized raised beds. We were able to grow tomatoes, hot peppers, sweet peppers, summer squash, kale, and sweet potatoes in them. We also grew snap beans and cucumbers to trellis up our obelisk along with a variety of herbs in a fire ring planter. I loved my rectangle raised beds so much I ordered a couple more to add this year.

What we plan to grow in our gardens this year
There is a very long list of what I want to grow this year. Some of these I have never attempted to grow before like corn, beets, garlic, eggplant, leeks, radishes and winter squash. The largest crops I am planning on growing are tomatoes, peppers, carrots, beans, onions, potatoes and a variety of herbs. We will also be growing cucumbers, spinach, arugula, kale, pumpkins, watermelon, asparagus, artichoke and cabbage. I recently purchased this variety of seeds that I think would be great for any garden.

The square footage of our garden will be doubled this year from last. The addition will be planted in a more market garden style instead of raised beds. This style of gardening will be completely new to me. I am still currently researching the condition of our soil and how best to prepare it for a successful garden.
We also ordered 5 fruit trees to get an orchard started. We are planting 3 cherry, a dwarf pear and an apricot as well as a bare root seedless grape. I ordered these from and they made it so easy to choose varieties that are hardy to our zone.

Just because they’re beautiful
Let’s not forget to stop and smell the roses. Gardening just wouldn’t be complete without flowers just for the beauty. I can hardly wait to see the lavender, hollyhocks, johnny jump ups, sunflowers, snow in summer, poppies, zinnias, cosmos, marigolds, lilac, iris, daffodils and of course my beloved wisteria. We were lucky to inherit the most beautiful trees all over the property including Dogwood, Rose of Sharon and a massive Magnolia.

Getting a jumpstart by starting seeds indoors
I’m not quite ready to start my seeds yet. For now I am gathering supplies like trays that I will need and also researching timing and methods. This is definitely helping with that “itch” I spoke of earlier. This year will be the first time I start the majority of what we grow from seed.
When planning a garden it is important to know the first and last frost dates expected for your area. Click here to find these approximate dates for your area. This was important for us to look in to since the climate here in Tennessee is so different from what we are used to in California.
In the meantime…
In the meantime we will continue working on the house. There is still plenty of patching & painting walls in the now great room. Jeff has been busy finishing up the electrical in the house and shop. He is also busy installing our tile floors starting with the laundry room. Next on his list will be building our kitchen cabinets. Whoop whoop!
Thanks for stopping by our Homestead. Stay Cozy.